TMC Maple Syrup Contest
Tucker Mountain Challenge Maple Syrup Contest
Thanks to our generous friends in the maple industry, we are happy to offer a maple syrup contest called the Tucker Mountain Challenge, that pits classroom maple syrup producers against each other for a $1000 prize to go towards your efforts in maple in your classroom. The goal is to have educators across the state using the craft of making maple syrup to enhance student learning in science, math, social studies, language arts and other courses within the school setting. Just follow some simple steps:
- Complete and submit the application by January 15th.
- Make maple syrup with your class during the season. While it's OK to have help from professional sources, the syrup must be produced by the classroom teacher outside of a commercial operation. It is not appropriate to collect sap as a class then have a commercial operation produce your syrup for submission.
- Submit your class sample to NH Ag in the Classroom by April 15th for judging.