About Us

New Hampshire Agriculture in the Classroom (NHAITC) is a non-profit 501©(3) educational organization founded in 1991 as part of the National Agriculture in the Classroom network. The goal of NHAITC is to increase agricultural literacy among school-aged children and educators. Only 2% of students nationwide currently know where their food and fiber come from. NHAITC reaches 15,000 students annually and strives to increase that number and do our part to make connections between children and our food and fiber systems.
NH Agriculture in the Classroom is dedicated to inspiring young people to plant, nurture, appreciate and understand the value of agriculture. We partner with educators (formal, non-formal and homeschool parents) to help realize our vision of a place where farms, fields and forests are abundant, sustainable and valued. Students learn about current farming practices, New Hampshire's agrarian heritage and are encouraged to be responsible stewards of the land.
NHAITC provides learning materials, lesson plans and local resources to help incorporate agricultural themes into curriculum across disciplines. In addition, we sponsor NH Agriculture Literacy Day, conduct educator workshops, coordinate School-to-Farm days, present in-class lessons to students, offer consultation and provide exhibits and programs for fairs and special event days.
The future of NH agriculture depends on a citizenry that understands and values the protection of open space and the contributions to society made by local farmers. Our board members, volunteers and partners include representatives from various commodity groups, farm agencies, extension specialists, educators, farmers and landowners who all believe that agriculturally educated children will help ensure that the future of New Hampshire includes open space and working landscapes, access to locally raised food and fiber and the rural character that makes our state so special.